Valle d'Itria

The Stone Civilitazion

Text translated by Emilio Acquaviva - Trainee

There are a lot of dry stone architectures similar to apulian trulli in others area of the world. What joins them?

You can find an harsh and stony landscape with a bleak vegetation, even absent in some area, in many areas of Mediterranean basin. The morphological homogeneity of these territories has created a same culture even in Country so far from each other. The stone isn’t just an natural element but, because it is shaped by mankind, it has marked the whole mediterranean geographic area with a flowering of civil, rural and sacred buildings, expressions of different societies. These buildings, silent witnesses of a remote and close past, allow us to draw different routes of Stone Civilitazion.

Since Trulli are expression of peasant world, we can search link to them in rural world of other areas. Infact there are  Stone huts similar to apulian trulli in Sassari (in Sardinia) countryside called pinnette or pinnedde; in Pantelleria island there are the dammusi, in Istria the casite, in Provence the borie”. Others stone buildings are located in Ebridi islands, in Malta and in Baleari islands. A lot of huts villages very similar to monumental area of Alberobello stand in Syria and in Cappadocia.

In the remaining part of Europe there are likenesses in Ireland, Scotland and France. The list isn’t finished yet, but the important thing is that all these exemples of rural building are very similar in constructive principles but not in form. We have to underline that in Puglia, this type of building, in his evolution, has caused a geographic and anthropological phenomenon unique in the world.


  • Maria Teresa Acquaviva

    7 may 2015

    La felicità è reciproca cara Lucia. Ti abbraccio con affetto.

  • Lucia Dammacco

    10 march 2015

    Adorabile Maestra, Donna eccezionale, non ci si stanca mai di leggerti e di ascoltarti!!!! Brava; Brava,Brava. Felice di averti incontrata.

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