Valle d'Itria

    About Passaturi

    Passaturi is a tourist and cultural information site located in Valle d’Itria and managed by the Association bearing the same name, made up of a board and several qualified collaborators. The activity of the Association provides for the organization of excursions and events for the enhancement of the territory in the historical-artistic, archaeological, naturalistic, food and wine and folkloric fields, making use of professionals registered in the  Puglia Region Register of turistic guides. In the same context, consultancy is offered to Agencies and Tour Operators for the planning of tourist routes in Puglia and Basilicata. Other activities are: environmental education with schools and training provided in the field of sustainable tourism and cultural heritage.
    The name Passaturi derives from the local dialectal word passaturo, which means rural grassy path. The passaturi are ancient grassy paths, that are very common in Valle d’Itria and that can be enjoyed both on foot and by bicycle. The passaturi will lead you to discover places with slow, sustainable tourism, in line with the mission of the Association. Another purpose of the Association is to enhance and promote local  producers engaged in various sectors, ranging from food to crafts to renewable energy and other environmentally friendly products.

    President of the Passaturi Association is Maria Teresa Acquaviva, an art researcher and cultural communicator by profession and passion. Teresa (as friends use to call her) has a degree in Cultural Heritage from the University of Bari, with a professional career full of experiences. She works as a teacher at Professional Training Institutions of the Puglia Region with public schools as external expert, in courses related to Cultural Heritage, Tourism and the Environment and communication of the territory on Internet. She has collaborated with some newspapers, including the online QuotidianoArte. Author of the essays  I Trulli di Puglia  and Itinerari contained in the I Trulli di Puglia tourist-cultural guide, published in 2004. Author of the tourist-cultural guide La Valle d'Itria da scoprire - Discover Valle d'Itria published in 2014. She has also written essays for other publications relating to the culture of the Puglia Region collaborating with other authors.

    Tourist guide registered in the Puglia Region Register.
    Passaturi Cultural Association - 74015 Martina Franca Ta - - Tel. 320.5753268
